Greetings to the congregation of Caledonia Presbyterian.
Attached is stewardship short talk #5, which was delivered in worship on April 17. Now the email readers are caught up with the talks we have offered in worship, and next week we will continue with the 7 habits of generous hearts.
As you read this one, you might ask yourself: what people come to mind when I hear the word “generous”? What prompted them in their generosity, as far as I know? (What makes people generous?) Just something to think about.
The Sunday after Pentecost (which is this Sunday coming) traditionally focuses on the Trinity (since now the church has all 3: Father, Son and Holy Spirit). I will offer a picture of the Trinity that goes beyond the “3 leaf-clover” that perhaps many of us were offered as a way to understand how 3 can be 1.
Grace and peace to you on this beautiful sunny Friday.
Rev Cathy