If you or someone you know might need help, please call the church: phone number is 905-765-4524; email is caledonia.presbyterian@gmail.com
Greetings! We are a gathering of imperfect people doing our best to follow a perfect Lord. We worship in person and online on Sunday mornings at 10:30am and would love to have you join us! We will also continue to broadcast live from our FaceBook platform, as well as offer virtual worship through our YouTube Channel.
2024 was a very busy year for our faith family! Here’s is a brief video shared recapping our 2024 year in review:
Friday mornings 10am-noon
Drop in for coffee, conversations and snacks- All are Welcome!
Mondays – GleeClub Resumes after school
3pm – 4:30pm on School day Mondays – an afternoon dedicated to our young people Grades 3-8. Our GleeClub recently counted, sorted and sent along nearly 140 pairs of shoes in support of the Soles4Souls program!
Chair Yoga resumes in January – Monday mornings at 10:30am in our Fellowship Hall. There is a small nominal cost for each class, and more information can be received by reaching out to our Yoga Instructor Janice Renshaw at Jrrenshaw@live.ca
We also give thanks to so many for their support, including our fall recycling drives!
We love music here at Caledonia Presbyterian Church. Do you like to sing? Come join our choir! Our Choir practices on Wednesday evening at 7pm, and they sing an anthem for worship every other Sunday morning. You don’t have to read music – just a love of singing is all that’s required.
Meanwhile, If you or someone you know might be in need, please reach out. The church number is 905-765-4524 and my home number is 519-587-4268.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Janice
Here are some of our most recent YouTube virtual worship services. These virtual worship gatherings are a condensed version of our in-person services:
We’ve been exploring the metaphor of the church as a ship recently. Here are a couple of recent worship links:
We are also pleased to offer even more virtual worship: Devotions, Music Ministries and virtual worship can be found at the following link on our YouTube channel homepage:
God continues to make house calls…. and the Lord is with us always. We worship in person in the sanctuary as well as through the FaceBook Live platform on Sunday mornings at 10:30am.

This world has continued to place our faith family in new and challenging situations. Our first priority continues to be the safety and well being of our members and community, making sure everyone has the supplies and support needed at this time. If you, or someone you know, might be in need of anything, please call the church, or our Clerk Kathy Johnson, or Pastor Janice directly.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Would you like to give to Caledonia Presbyterian Church? You can help us as we continue to bring God’s Kingdom and God’s love to our community and the world around us. You can give through your online banking platform and send an e-transfer to caledonia.presbyterian@gmail.com. If you’re in town, we can also offer contactless givings using your credit or debit card with our square reader, and perhaps you might wish to send a cheque through the mail to Caledonia Presbyterian Church, 117 Argyle Street north, Caledonia, ON N3W1B8. Thank you for your donations; our little bits can come together to do some wonderful and miraculous things!
Our situation remains changing and fluid, and guidelines may change as the world changes around us. We appreciate your prayers and patience as we step out into the future journey together.
Yours in Christ
The Session and Board Teams of Caledonia Presbyterian Church
Thank you for your continued love and support; many of you have my home phone number. It is 519-587-4268. If anyone is in need, or knows someone else who might be, please let me know. I will help whenever and wherever I can. Many of us are carrying burdens in different ways, and life was/is difficult enough without the epidemic that swept the world. May we continue to check up on each other. May we be able to offer some sort of love and hope in this difficult situation. May we never take for granted those things we cannot enjoy right now. And may we pray:
We arise today through God’s shelter to steady us. For God’s Hope to lead us and God’s wisdom to call us. May Christ console those whose hearts are full of fear. May the Spirit give us words to speak comfort, and eyes to notice the need for help. May we have Christ’s hands in reaching out to help others, even amidst the social distancing. God, we plead, we cry, we fear. Yet we place our trust in You. May we arise as your people as we emerge in the midst of these times. In the powerful name of Jesus we pray, Amen.
Peace and Blessings and love to you all,
Pastor Janice
Young people grades 5- 8
School day Mondays
3pm to 4:30 pm
Relaunching Now!
Did you know???
We also collect the outer milk bags for our Christian friends in their mission project?
Reusing and re-purposing is a facet of being good stewards of the earth